2024Jan14 No profile photo available Fataldart Promotions

Off The Rails in Crewe New Years GSoD (40 players max)

Sanctioned by ADC United Kingdom

No profile photo available Champion Daniel Ayres


Off The Rails
High Street. Crewe. CW2 7BL

Tournament Information

New years Grand Slam (round robin) at the venue.
£10 entry with ADC ranking points for play-offs and title shots etc etc.
Doors open at 11am.
Final reg is 12 noon.
Start time approx 12.30pm.
Please note …. Players failing to complete group games (without good reason) or to mark (or find someone to) may carry up to a 6 month ban from future events. Some may not realise the problems that this can cause.
Places may be available on the day but can not be always available on limited number entry comps. Pre payment only is to only way to secure a spot. Just registering for the event on here is NOT a guarantee

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