2024Apr20 ADC Europe ADC Europe

Winmau BDT 1 @De Mambo, Kortrijk, Belgium

Ranking Series: Winmau Belgian Darts Tour 2024

Sanctioned by ADC Europe

Group 1

Avg W L LA LD Pts
1 Dieter Van HamDieter Van Ham 73.18 3 0 4 +7 6
2 Rino AmeelRino Ameel 72.27 2 1 4 +5 4
3 Justin van der VeldenJustin van der Velden 63.58 1 2 1 -4 2
4 bart huysegomsbart huysegoms 52.86 0 3 0 -8 0


Group 2

Avg W L LA LD Pts
1 Stijn DeklerckStijn Deklerck 79.9 3 0 3 +6 6
2 Stefaan DeprezStefaan Deprez 75.21 2 1 2 +3 4
3 Yordi MattheeussenYordi Mattheeussen 59.91 1 2 1 -2 2
4 Eddy Van LoonEddy Van Loon 57.84 0 3 0 -7 0


Group 3

Avg W L LA LD Pts
1 Maxime VastenaekelMaxime Vastenaekel 63.76 3 0 2 +4 6
2 Mike HermansMike Hermans 62.88 1 2 3 +1 2
3 Pieter HostynPieter Hostyn 63.05 1 2 2 -2 2
4 Frederik D’hondtFrederik D’hondt 61.66 1 2 2 -3 2


Group 4

Avg W L LA LD Pts
1 Kristof  SarensKristof Sarens 70.68 3 0 7 +6 6
2 Steve De buckSteve De buck 70.19 2 1 3 +1 4
3 Timmy PietersTimmy Pieters 70.41 1 2 4 +1 2
4 Nick DurieuNick Durieu 58.55 0 3 1 -8 0


Group 5

Avg W L LA LD Pts
1 Pascal DevroeyPascal Devroey 62.92 3 0 4 +9 6
2 Thomas MorisseThomas Morisse 56.89 1 2 2 -1 2
3 Ryan  van BergenRyan van Bergen 52.27 1 2 1 -3 2
4 Patrick DepraeterePatrick Depraetere 53.15 1 2 1 -5 2


Group 6

Avg W L LA LD Pts
1 Cedric WaegemansCedric Waegemans 65.56 3 0 6 +6 6
2 Axel BuyleAxel Buyle 67.05 2 1 3 +3 4
3 steve vanwelkenhuysensteve vanwelkenhuysen 66.17 1 2 4 0 2
4 Dave De BaeneDave De Baene 39.66 0 3 0 -9 0


Group 7

Avg W L LA LD Pts
1 Wouter VanrolleghemWouter Vanrolleghem 76.49 3 0 3 +6 6
2 Marcio Faustino Carvalho JesusMarcio Faustino Carvalho Jesus 69.49 2 1 2 +4 4
3 Quentin  VandenbulckeQuentin Vandenbulcke 55.81 1 2 2 -4 2
4 Gunther DevolderGunther Devolder 66.08 0 3 1 -6 0


Group 8

Avg W L LA LD Pts
1 Bjorn BeauprezBjorn Beauprez 74.39 3 0 4 +6 6
2 Yori DehaeneYori Dehaene 69.93 1 2 2 -1 2
3 Bradley  Van der veldenBradley Van der velden 63.89 1 2 2 -2 2
4 Kenny  BekeKenny Beke 62.85 1 2 2 -3 2


Group 9

Avg W L LA LD Pts
1 Jessy GuyotJessy Guyot 69.38 2 1 3 +5 4
2 Dustin  Straver Dustin Straver 83.4 2 1 3 +3 4
3 Jeroen CaronJeroen Caron 78.7 2 1 3 +1 4
4 Robbe De VosRobbe De Vos 43.1 0 3 0 -9 0


Group 10

Avg W L LA LD Pts
1 Geert De VosGeert De Vos 78.33 3 0 4 +7 6
2 Brian RamanBrian Raman 72.86 2 1 3 +3 4
3 Jurgen  Bouckaert Jurgen Bouckaert 63.51 1 2 2 -1 2
4 Dimitri RaesDimitri Raes 52.49 0 3 0 -9 0


Group 11

Avg W L LA LD Pts
1 Stefaan HenderyckStefaan Henderyck   93.02 3 0 4 +8 6
2 Erwin MissottenErwin Missotten 79.73 2 1 3 +2 4
3 Zyon RamanZyon Raman 69.24 1 2 2 -3 2
4 Noah De GreefNoah De Greef 73.99 0 3 1 -7 0


Group 12

Avg W L LA LD Pts
1 Gylian SurgeonGylian Surgeon 73.57 3 0 5 +8 6
2 Dirk DelcroixDirk Delcroix 57.67 1 2 3 0 2
3 Leslie VandersarrenLeslie Vandersarren 56.76 1 2 2 -3 2
4 Christel SchaekenChristel Schaeken 52.65 1 2 1 -5 2


Group 13

Avg W L LA LD Pts
1 John DesreumauxJohn Desreumaux 76.86 3 0 3 +9 6
2 Born van putBorn van put 69.51 2 1 2 +3 4
3 Peter MolluPeter Mollu 58.63 1 2 3 -5 2
4 Eros  OdentEros Odent 55.42 0 3 2 -7 0


Group 14

Avg W L LA LD Pts
1 Sven BolynSven Bolyn 64.72 1 1 3 +1 2
2 Levi WindelsLevi Windels 57.89 1 1 2 +1 2
3 Marc DevosMarc Devos 53.72 1 1 2 -2 2


Group 15

Avg W L LA LD Pts
1 Arne DegryseArne Degryse 68.84 2 0 3 +6 4
2 Brian VerhelstBrian Verhelst 67.46 1 1 1 -2 2
3 Steven PaesschesooneSteven Paesschesoone 68.87 0 2 0 -4 0


Group 16

Avg W L LA LD Pts
1 timothy Verbrugghetimothy Verbrugghe 79.11 2 0 3 +3 4
2 Xavier BrackeXavier Bracke 66.38 1 1 2 0 2
3 Bjorn LenoirBjorn Lenoir 61.87 0 2 1 -3 0


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