2024Feb17 No profile photo available Fataldart Promotions

Castle S&S Club February GSoD - Sponsored by “Premier Darts”

Sanctioned by ADC United Kingdom

No profile photo available Champion Simon Preston


Castle sports and social club
Castle sports and social club, David street, Northwich, CW8 1HE

Tournament Information

Sponsored by Premier Darts and played in a round robin.
Max 48 players allowed.
£10 entry.
Payout on the last 8. With a consolation comp for those who finish 3rd and 4th in their group.
Doors open at 11am.
Register between 1pm and 1.30pm.
Start time 2pm.
Any player not completing all their group games or failing to mark during the KO stages may face a 6 month or longer ban from all future comps.
Scoring will be done via tablet on the Darts Atlas system. With ADC members able to get points.
For all enquiries please text 07855 033273.

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