2022Dec29 Teesside Darts Circuit

Middlebeck Round Robin

Sanctioned by ADC United Kingdom

Shaun Matthews
69.37 Avg
3 0 Dennis Coleman
62.15 Avg
Shaun Matthews
70.99 Avg
3 2 Paul quantrill
77.15 Avg
Collin Foxton
75.58 Avg
1 3 Dennis Coleman
86.78 Avg
Shaun Matthews
71.21 Avg
3 1 Lewis Coates
67.97 Avg
Michael Cooper
57.6 Avg
1 3 Paul quantrill
66.13 Avg
John Purdy
69.47 Avg
0 3 Collin Foxton
77.74 Avg
Dennis Coleman
60.93 Avg
3 0 Account Deleted
56.84 Avg

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