2024Oct12 ADC Europe ADC Europe

Northern European Darts Tour - NEDT 5 - @Highlands Dart Club, Sweden

Ranking Series: Northern European Darts Tour 2024

Ivan springborg Poulsen
79.0 Avg
0 5 Björn Lejon
87.38 Avg
Rickard Johansson
67.63 Avg
1 4 Ivan springborg Poulsen
70.61 Avg
Niels Heinsøe
81.41 Avg
1 4 Björn Lejon
91.3 Avg
Rickard Johansson
63.52 Avg
4 1 Christian Blychert
61.45 Avg
Ivan springborg Poulsen
71.91 Avg
4 1 Birk Kamp
67.41 Avg
Niels Heinsøe
73.31 Avg
4 2 Olle Förare
71.38 Avg
Björn Lejon
68.35 Avg
4 2 Anders Nilsson
66.4 Avg

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